4 Time Management Steps to DOUBLE Your Productivity at Work - N u g r a s t a r ★



Monday, September 29, 2014

4 Time Management Steps to DOUBLE Your Productivity at Work

Have you ever said to yourself, ‘‘I can’t get any work done at work?’’

75% of the time in any work environment there are never-ending distractions, interruptions, and telephone calls. Your job at work is to create chunks of time by using good time management and getting things done by motivating yourself in the office. Doing hard work at the office will help lead you to better productivity, and greater success in any job.
Time Management and Hard Work, Without Interruptions

The very fact that you know that you will not be interrupted enables you to concentrate better and produce more. If you are working at home, you should keep your phone off so that no calls can get through to you. Hard work without interruption for long periods is an extraordinarily powerful way to increase your output and get much better results at work.

Starting Earlier, Working Harder, Staying Later and Getting Things Done

There are 4 very simple techniques for getting things done that you can use to double your productivity, improve your time management skills and accelerate your results.

1. Early to Bed, Early to Rise. When you get up and get going early, you can get the equivalent of an entire day’s work done before the normal working day even begins. If you work from 5:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and then go to the office, you will soon be great at time management and on top of all your major tasks. Getting things done at work will be a bonus to you because you have already accomplished so much during your day.

2. Go into the office one hour earlier, before the workday begins. By leaving home early and getting into the office early, you will avoid most of the traffic. Since there is no one there to interrupt you, you can get started immediately. Often you will find yourself able to clear up an entire day’s work in that one hour.

3. Develop the habit of doing hard work straight through the typical lunch hour when almost everyone else has left the office. Company policy permitting, there is no law that says that you have to go for lunch when everyone else goes. There is no law that says that you have to eat lunch from twelve to one each day. You can take your lunch hour before noon or after one o’clock. In both cases, there will be no lunch-hour crowds or delays. You can eat quickly and be back at work with very little downtime. You can get in and out faster and you will get better service. You will be more productive.

4. Getting things done by working one extra hour after everyone goes home. This is one of the best ways for busy people to stay on top of their jobs. During that uninterrupted hour (which, as you know, is worth 3 hours during the day), you can clear up all your responsibilities, write your reports, dictate your correspondence, and plan the next day in detail. The key is to take those 60 to 90 minute chunks of time to do hard work without interruption. Close the door, turn off your cell phone, put your head down, and work without stopping for that one hour.

These are 4 very simple ways to increase your productivity just by working a little harder during the day. If you don’t believe me, try them for yourself. If you decrease your distractions at work and commit to working harder, you will accomplish so much more and get ahead at your job much faster. To learn more about how to increase your productivity at work and discipline yourself to get more done, download the first chapter of Brian Tracy's book “No Excuses” HERE for FREE.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article on time management, hard work, getting things done faster and doubling your productivity at work. If you liked reading, please comment and share this post with your friends.

Topics included in this article include:
Time Management
Getting Things Done
Hard Work

 Source : Brian Tracy

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